Chartering A Boat: 3 Basic Tips Everyone Needs To Know

Jacey Martin

Chartering a boat is a great way to celebrate an event or explore the seas. After all, this lets you travel to remote locations, stay overnight, or host a fun party all while on the water. While chartering a boat might seem like an easy task, there are a lot of options available—and that can make it complicated. Fortunately, you can make hiring a boat charter easier by following these three tips:

1. Boat Selection

There are many types of boats that you can charter. Some of the more popular options include: sail boats, catamarans, motor boats, and yachts.

Sail boats are ideal for those who want to play sports and enjoy the high seas. These boats offer smooth sailing and plenty of relaxation. Catamarans are a very stable boat, which make them ideal for those throwing a party. They also move quickly through the water, which make them great for sailing long distances. Motor boats are another type of fast boat. Although smaller, they are also good for long distance sails. Finally, yachts are the epitome of luxury. Equipped with high-end furnishings, these boats are ideal for large parties.

2. Skippered vs. Non-Skippered Charters

Another choice you'll have to make is whether you want a skippered charter or not. Unless you are a highly-skilled sailor, a skippered charter is the best way to go. This is because a skippered charter will come equipped with a sailing staff. Some companies may also include other professionals on a skippered charter, such as chefs or diving instructors. Although more expensive, skippers offer many benefits even if you do know how to sail. A skipper can help you by giving advice, helping you navigate, or even offering some unknown facts about the location. Just make sure you ask about fees in advance, as the price for the staff may not be included in your bundle.

3. Expect the Unexpected

Finally, try to be prepared for the unexpected. Weather can—and does—change without warning. This means that you may not be able to sail on a specific day. You might also be required to take a new route, so that you can avoid the weather. If this worries you, be sure to talk to the company. Often, they can help come up with a backup itinerary to ensure that you and your guests still have fun—regardless of weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

For more information, contact Chicago Watercraft or a similar company.
